Ibnu Al-Jauzi mengatakan: "Suatu urusan menghimpit ku sehingga membuat ku cemas dan gelisah berpanjangan. Aku terus berfikir mencari jalan penyelesaian dari kecelaruan itu dan melakukan bermacam-macam cara dan usaha. Tetapi aku tidak menemu i satu penyelesaian pun untuk keluar daripadanya, hingga aku menemui sepotong ayat yang menawarkan kepada ku, ayat itu berbunyi : Maksudnya: "Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, nescaya Dia akan mengadakan jalan keluar baginya." ( Surah at-Thalaq, ayat 2 ) Setelah itu aku sedar bahawa ketakwaan adalah satu-satunya jalan keluar dari kebingungan. Itulah sebabnya aku berusaha meningkatkan ketakwaan ku, maka aku pun menemui jalan keluarnya. Menurut pendapat ku, takwa menurut orang-orang yang berakal merupakan penyebab segala kebaikkan. Tidaklah sesekali terjadi seksaan, melainkan kerana dosa, dan tidak sesekali seksaan dihilangkan, melainkan kerana taubat. Kekeruhan, kesedihan dan kesengsaraan adalah merupakan balasan dari pelbagai perb...
Showing posts from September, 2014
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Why European women are turning to Islam PARIS Mary Fallot looks as unlike a terrorist suspect as one could possibly imagine: a petite and demure white Frenchwoman chatting with friends on a cell-phone, indistinguishable from any other young woman in the café where she sits sipping coffee. And that is exactly why European antiterrorist authorities have their eyes on thousands like her across the continent. Ms. Fallot is a recent convert to Islam. In the eyes of the police, that makes her potentially dangerous. The death of Muriel Degauque, a Belgian convert who blew herself up in a suicide attack on US troops in Iraq last month, has drawn fresh attention to the rising number of Islamic converts in Europe, most of them women. "The phenomenon is booming, and it worries us," the head of the French domestic intelligence agency, Pascal Mailhos, told the Paris-based newspaper Le Monde in a recent interview. "But we must absolutely avoid lumping everyone together....
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Pemenang yang dihormati, ini adalah untuk memaklumkan anda tentang pembebasan Promosi Anugerah MasterCard 2014 kami alamat e-mel yang dipilih secara rawak oleh perisian berkuasa oleh Pembekal Perkhidmatan Internet. Dua puluh ribu alamat email telah dipilih daripada Rantau Asia Pasifik dan anda bernasib baik untuk menjadi antara mereka, oleh itu menjadikan anda salah seorang daripada pemenang kami untuk jumlah (MYR 250,000.00) dalam bentuk yang digunakan Teller Sistem Mesin Automatik (ATM). Anda menghubungi Pengawal Kewangan kami melalui e-mel dan memberikan dia dengan maklumat di bawah untuk pelepasan dan pembayaran pelepasan. Nama Penuh: Hubungi Alamat: Nombor Telefon: pekerjaan: Nama Kenalan: Joseph Abdul Hubungi E-mel: mcard2014@my0511.com Memenangi Nombor: 141/M'ATM120321. Yang ikhlas, Farah Azim On-line Penyelaras MasterCard / 1994-2014 MasterCard.
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50 Formula Kekayaan & Kejayaan 1 Bersyukur dengan apa yang ada sekarang dan yang akan datang untuk memiliki lebih banyak lagi keberkatan kejayaan di masa hadapan. 2 Jangan bazir masa membuat kerja yang anda tidak suka, bekerja mengikut minat ( passion ) adalah lebih baik lagi. 3 Tanpa ilmu anda tidak berpeluang membangkitkan kekuatan diri dan perniagaan anda. 4 Hanya bercakap sahaja tidak mencukupi untuk anda berjaya, tindakan pro-aktif perlu dilaksanakan juga untuk berjaya. 5 Belajar mengambil risiko , pastikan risiko yang ingin ditempuh sudah dikenal pasti oleh anda terlebih dahulu. 6 Berani berimpian besar , pastikan impian yang ingin dimiliki merupakan realistik untuk dicapai. 7 Kelilingkan diri anda dengan orang berjaya , anda pasti akan berjaya juga. 8 Bertindak dengan pantas “ fast action, fast result ”, tetapi bertindak dengan bersandar ilmu yang tepat. 9 Bekerja dengan orang yang mempunyai matlamat seperti anda , ia akan mempercepatkan lagi proses kej...
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Pemenang yang dihormati, ini adalah untuk memaklumkan anda tentang pembebasan Promosi Anugerah MasterCard 2014 kami alamat e-mel yang dipilih secara rawak oleh perisian berkuasa oleh Pembekal Perkhidmatan Internet. Dua puluh ribu alamat email telah dipilih daripada Rantau Asia Pasifik dan anda bernasib baik untuk menjadi antara mereka, oleh itu menjadikan anda salah seorang daripada pemenang kami untuk jumlah (MYR 250,000.00) dalam bentuk yang digunakan Teller Sistem Mesin Automatik (ATM). Anda menghubungi Pengawal Kewangan kami melalui e-mel dan memberikan dia dengan maklumat di bawah untuk pelepasan dan pembayaran pelepasan. Nama Penuh: Hubungi Alamat: Nombor Telefon: pekerjaan: Nama Kenalan: Joseph Abdul Hubungi E-mel: mcard2014@my0511.com Memenangi Nombor: 141/M'ATM120321. Yang ikhlas, Farah Azim On-line Penyelaras MasterCard / 1994-2014 MasterCard.
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Four (4) Great Planning Techniques "Planning" is a very general term. When you say you are planning a project , you are really validating scope, creating a Charter, estimating, creating a schedule, and more. Here are four techniques to use when you plan your projects. 1 Use Multiple Estimating Techniques if Possible An important part of building the schedule is being able to accurately estimate the work activities. Estimates of effort hours will, in turn, drive the cost and duration estimates. There are a number of techniques that can be used to estimate work - analogy, expert opinion, PERT, modeling and more. If possible, try to use two or more techniques for the estimate. If the estimates from multiple techniques are close, you will have more confidence in your numbers. If the estimates are far apart, you can look at the reasons and determine whether one technique may be more accurate than another. 2 Manage Quality Up-Front to Save Error Corrections Later Doesn’...
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The Glorious Quran, Surah at-Taubah 9: 128-129: Surely, a Messenger (Rasulullah SAW) has come unto you from among yourselves; grievous to him is that you should fall into trouble; he is ardently desirous of your welfare; and to the believers he is compassionate, merciful. But if they turn away, say, ‘Allah is sufficient for me. There is no God but He. In Him do I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.’
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Seksaan bagi mereka yang lalai ( solat ) PERINGATAN demi peringatan disampaikan oleh para nabi dan Rasul supaya manusia tidak lalai daripada beribadat kepada ALLAH. Namun begitu kebanyakan manusia itu lebih gemar mengikut hawa nafsu daripada mematuhi arahan dan perintah ALLAH. Firman ALLAH SWT : بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ أَرَءَيۡتَ ٱلَّذِى يُكَذِّبُ بِٱلدِّينِ (١) فَذَٲلِكَ ٱلَّذِى يَدُعُّ ٱلۡيَتِيمَ (٢) وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ ٱلۡمِسۡكِينِ (٣) فَوَيۡلٌ۬ لِّلۡمُصَلِّينَ (٤) ٱلَّذِينَ هُمۡ عَن صَلَاتِہِمۡ سَاهُونَ (٥) ٱلَّذِينَ هُمۡ يُرَآءُونَ (٦) وَيَمۡنَعُونَ ٱلۡمَاعُونَ (٧) Maksudnya : “Tahukah engkau akan orang yang mendustakan agama (meliputi hari pembalasan) ? (1) Itulah orang yang menindas serta berlaku zalim kepada anak yatim (2); Dan dia tidak menggalakkan memberi makanan yang berhak diterima oleh orang miskin (3); (kalau orang yang demikian di kira daripada bilangan orang-orang yang mendustakan agama), maka Kecelakaan besar bagi ora...
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Ways To Manage Project Tasks: Stay on top of all your project tasks with these tips. Tip #1: Have one To Do list Forget sticky notes on your monitor, a list on your tablet, scribbled notes on a piece of paper... you need one To Do list. Using online software or an app is the best way because you'll probably always have your phone or laptop with you. You can quickly open the app on your smartphone or tablet and record the task. If you really can't get online when new work comes to light, make a quick note somewhere (like drafting an email to yourself that will send when you reach an area with signal) and then you won't forget to add it to your online To Do list later. Tip #2: Prioritize your tasks Creating one central list of tasks is a big help, but then you need to think about the right way to tackle that long list of work! Prioritize your tasks. There are two ways to do this: what's urgent and what's important. Urgent tasks are things that must be done rig...
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Estimate Project Costs Across Three Main Categories Once you understand the work of the project you can estimate the resources that will be required to complete the work. Knowing the resources allows you to estimate the costs of the resources to the project. There are three main areas where costs come into play. Labor costs The cost of labor is derived by looking at the effort hours of each resource and multiplying by the hourly (or daily) cost of each resource. In many companies, estimated labor costs for internal employees are assumed to be zero, since their costs are already accounted for in a departmental budget. This does not imply there is no cost. Rather, it assumes there are no incremental costs over and above what the company is already paying for. If you are using external contract or consulting resources, their costs always need to be estimated and budgeted. You have to determine the type of external resources you need and the hourly rate of the resources...
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The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: 'The key to the Garden (Paradise) is salat (prayer), and the key to salat is wudu (ablution).' Jabir reported it, Ahmad transmitted it. The Shaykh al-Kamil said: 'The validity of your salat is based on your having performed your wudu. The validity of the wudu is based on the ghusl which preceded it at its time, and the validity of the ghusl in turn depends on having washed the anus and the penis in the lavatory. Thus your whole inner reality is based on the natural act of washing the anus and the penis.' The wudu is a sealing of the body in preparation for the act of salat. That is why passing wind anally, emission, excretion and menstruation break the wudu. Its effect is, on the one hand to bring into the consciousness of the person an acceptance of themselves as being these open, flowing organisms, of intake and giving out – with the obligations of wudu and ghusl, there is no hiding the process, no guilt, no fantasy – these events a...
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Sepuluh (10) univerisiti terkemuka dunia tahun ini ialah: 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) 2. Universiti Cambridge (UK) 3. Imperial College London (UK) 4. Universiti Harvard (USA) 5. Universiti Oxford (UK) 6. University College London (UK) 7. Universiti Stanford (USA) 8. California Institute of Technology (USA) 9. Universiti Princeton (USA) 10. Universiti Yale (USA).
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Doa di bawah ini adalah Doa khusus yang ampuh untuk diamalkan sebagai amalan agar diri kita aman dan selamat dari segala ancaman+serangan haiwan liar dan berbisa. Sangat sesuai diamalkan ketika hendak masuk ke dalam hutan dan di mana-mana tempat sahaja pada sebarang waktu yang mana di kawasan tersebut membuatkan kita mudah terdedah kepada ancaman dan serangan pelbagai haiwan liar juga haiwan berbisa. Sirahnya... Pada zaman Nabi ALLAH Nuh as, sewaktu Bala Banjir Besar yang ALLAH SWT turunkan kepada Umat Nabi Nuh as yang ingkar dan berpaling dari mentauhidkan ALLAH SWT, selain dari Para Pengikut Nabi Nuh as yang beriman, sekalian haiwan-haiwan liar dan berbisa yang wujud di muka bumi ALLAH SWT juga diselamatkan oleh Nabi Nuh as dengan cara Nabi Nuh as turut menempatkan ruang untuk sekalian haiwan-haiwan tersebut berlindung di dalam bahtera Nabi Nuh as itu. Dan apabila bala banjir besar itu mulai surut setelah selama 40 hari pelayaran, kesemua haiwan-haiwan liar dan berbisa ter...
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Muslim, Mazlan, (2014), Powering and Resistance of Fishing Vessel, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. www.lap-publishing.com also available at www.morebooks.de and www.amazon.com. Nunez and Rojas, (1997), The Hydrodynamics Optimisation of Tuna Ships in Service , 6 th Int. Symp. on Technics and Technology in Fishing Vessels, Ancona, Italy. Oliveira, Fonseca and Guades Soares, (2006), Design and Sea Performance of a Modern Purse Seiner Fishing Vessel for the Portuguese Coastal Sea , Int. Journal of Small Craft Technology, RINA. Omar Yaakob, Teoh Eng Lee, Liew Yek Wai and Koh Kho King, Design of Malaysian Fishing Vessel for Minimum Resistance , Jurnal Teknologi, 42(A) Jun 2005, 1-12, Dept. of Marine Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UTM. Ridgely-Nevitt, (1967), The Resistance of a High -L Ratio Trawler Series, Transactions of SNAME, Vol. 75, 1967. Schoenherr, (1932), Resistance of Flat Surface Moving Through a Fluid, Transactions of SNAME, Vol. 40, 1932. SNA...
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As revealed by Almighty Allah in the words, “… Remembrance of God is greater still …” (Surah al-‘Ankabut, 45), the most auspicious talk for attaining the Hereafter is talk of God. All talk other than that intended to earn God’s approval, mercy and Paradise is foolish and hollow, and will therefore represent a waste of time. The way that believers should behave when empty talk is going on is described thus in the Glorious Qur’an: “ When they hear worthless talk they turn away from it …” (Surah al-Qasas, 55) Time wasted thinking one has a lot of time Another point that generally misleads people is the way that they put off worship and other virtuous deeds by thinking, “I am young, and I have plenty of time for worship later.” Since these people regard death as something far-off and remote, they see no harm in spending their days in pointless and empty activities. Examples include people who spend hours online for no purpose, who spend more time on domestic chore...
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ZIKR OR TAZKIR (Allah's Remembrance) This is the science of invocation and admonition. God says: Remind them because Zikr or admonition benefits the believers (Glorious Quran 51:55). There are many traditions regarding the merits of the assemblies of Zikr. The Prophet SAW said: When you pass by the garden of paradise, enjoy yourselves. He was asked: What are the gardens of Paradise ? He said: Assemblies of Zikr (remembrance of God). The Prophet said: The angels of God roam in the horizon except the angels of creation. When they see any assembly of Zikr, they accost themselves and say: Come unto your goals. They then come to the place, surround them and hear them, remember God and take lessons. Now the assembly of Zikr means the assembly of lectures wherein the modern lecturers deliver long speeches, tell stories, recite poems and poetries and sing songs. Such was not the practice at the time of the four rightly guided Caliphs. Story-telling is an innovation. Ibn Omar once ca...
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Benefits of Project Management Office (PMO) An effective PMO is key to drive project success of your organization. PMO ensures projects are managed according to consistent processes, and provide training and coaching to project managers and teams. You can set up an effective PMO, or improve an ailing one, in 30 days! A few key factors for success are listed below: (1) Support from Senior Management: It is critical to get the full support from Senior Management and political awareness that you are implementing change, because it gets you credibility in a short period of time. Depends on the existing organization structure, some organizational changes may be required to set up a PMO. (2) Focus and Keep It Simple: After you assess the health and readiness of organization to set up or enhance the PMO, it is important to stay focus and set minimal, but clear objectives of the PMO. For example, after assessing of the organization nee...