SELAWAT TAFRIJIYAH/NARIYAH "Ya Allah! Limpahkanlah rahmat yang sempurna dan berilah kesejahteraan yang sempurna kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW yang menjadi sebab terlepasnya sesuatu yang masih mengalami jalan buntu dan terbukanya kesempitan serta didatanginya semua hajat dan diperoleh semua pemberian serta Husnul Khatimah (sempurna akhir hayatnya) dan diturunkan siraman mendung hujan lantaran keagungan baginda. (Dan limpahkanlah rahmat dan salam) kepada keluarga baginda dan sahabat di dalam setiap kerlipan mata dan nafas dengan bilangan semua yang diketahui oleh-Mu, wahai Zat yang menguasai seluruh alam". Selawat Nariyah disebut juga selawat "Tafrijiyyah" yang ertinya terbuka sehingga menjadi lapang. Selawat ini jika diamalkan dapat menghilangkan kesempitan dengan izin Allah SWT. Bagi seseorang yang menginginkan agar kehidupan sehariannya berjalan lancar, jauh dari gangguan dan persaingan sebaiknyalah ia mengamalkan selawat Nariyah dengan membacanya selep...
Showing posts from May, 2016
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Project management: theory and practice as applied to oil and gas developments • Project feasibility and establishing a project charter • FEED, FID, EPC and HAZOP sequence • Planning and modelling to improve on-budget and on-time performance • Milestone monitoring, earned value and achievement analysis • Leadership vs. management • Auctions and competitive bidding: theory vs. practice • Post-completion issues: successfully assimilating assets and companies • Managing large strategic changes • Applying a balanced scorecard to align performance with strategy • Safety, environment and security • Dealing with crises • Decommissioning, guarantees and tax treatments • Acquisition and divestment trends in the oil and gas industry • Structuring effective deals that capture synergies and opportunities.
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Training courses coming-up: OSV and Charterparty Management With Essentials Elements of Maritime Laws | 22 – 26 August 2016 | Kuala Lumpur Upcoming Courses Reliability Engineering | 15 – 19 August 2016 | Kuala Lumpur Maintenance Planning and Scheduling | 10 – 12 August 2016 | Kuala Lumpur Control, Operation and Design of Reciprocating Gas Compressors | 18 – 19 July 2016 | Kuala Lumpur Control and Operation of Centrifugal Gas Compressors | 20 – 22 July 2016 | Kuala Lumpur Process Hazard Assessment using the HAZOP Technique and HAZOP Team Leader Training | 03 – 07 October 2016 | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia Effective Plant Turnaround Management | 21 – 23 November 2016 | Kuala Lumpur.
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Shipping Industry and the Global Economy, the Markets and International Organisations • World trade development • Demand for shipping services • Economics of sea transport • International trade, trade balance and trade routes • The impact of transport costs • Shifting world markets • Shipping markets - The Liner and Tramp Markets - The Dry Bulk Market - The Liquid Bulk Market - The Container Market - The RoRo Market - The Cruise Market - Specialist Markets • Shipping companies • International organisations Development of Ships, Regulation, International Conventions, Ship Manning and Port Operations • Ship operations - The four segments of the cargo shipping industry - Types of charters - Shipbroking • The history of the development of ship types • Ship characteristics - Dimensions - Seaworthiness and cargoworthiness • Ship manning • Management on board • International regul...
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Offshore Exploration, Production,Field Development and Floating Production Hosts The development of floating production systems and the different production systems that exist The importance of the geological information to predict how the oil will flow How a well is drilled The factors that will MAKE oil flow from the source to the production facility The effect of weather, sea conditions, economic and political factors The elements and equipment of subsea engineering The global FPSO market 2 Project Development and MANAGEMENT, Field Options and FPSO Considerations and Contracts How international agreements assign seabed and sub-seabed minerals and oil rights to individual countries How the UK and other countries award licences How a country’s government gains fiscal rewards for their oil and gas resources The process involved in producing a Field Development Programme The WORK of the Oil and Gas Directorate in developing oil and g...
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SURAH AL-KAHFI (surah yang ke-18-mengandungi 110 ayat) Daripada Umar berkata: Nabi Muhammad saw telah bersabda: “Sesiapa yang membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat, maka bersinarlah cahaya daripada bawah kakinya hingga ke langit. Untuknya cahaya di hari kiamat dan diampunkannya antara dua Jumaat” SURAH AS-SAJDAH (surah yang ke-32-mengandungi 30 ayat) Dan diriwayatkan imam Ahmad daripada jabir berkata:”Adalah Nabi SAW tidak tidur hingga dibaca surah As- Sajdah dan Al-Mulk” Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa membaca Surah As-Sajdah, pahalanya seperti orang yang solat menepati malam al-Qadar dan dikuatkan keIslamannya, tauhidnya serta mendapat ilmu yang benar. SURAH YAASIN (surah yang ke-36-mengandungi 83 ayat) Daripada Ma’qil Ibni Yasar berkata: “Al-Baqarah adalah rangka Al-Quran diturunkan setiap satu ayat dengan disertakan 80 Malaikat dan Ayat Kursi khususnya diturunkan khas dari di bawah Arsy Allah swt yang tersusun di dalam surah Al-Baqarah. dan sura...
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Stability Guidance 1. Work with a qualified naval architect to create stability guidance appropriate for your vessel. Remember, this guidance is only as good as the information you provide the Naval Architect concerning your vessel’s unique fishing methods, areas where you fish and the vessel’s design. 2. Thoroughly understand the stability guidance provided for your vessel including its strengths and weaknesses. Discuss any questions with your Naval Architect. - Strengths include changes to the vessel’s loading that significantly improve the stability levels. - Weaknesses include critical watertight doors that, if accidentally left open lead to rapid downflooding or large wet processing spaces that must be kept drained of standing water. 3. Train all crewmembers in how your fishing vessel’s stability works. 4. Follow the stability guidance at all times. Key universal guidance advice includes: - Do not overload the vessel. - Keep cargo secured at all times. - Minimize the number of pa...
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About FITEC F.I.T Center Sdn Bhd (FITEC) or MARA Furniture Technology Resource Center (Company Registration No 288508-T), is a company wholly owned by Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), an agency of Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW) under the governing of Bahagian Pembangunan Usahawan MARA (BPU). The company was registered on 28 January 1994 under the act of Akta Syarikat 1965 and has been operating since 1995. It is located at Lot PT 6301, Mukim Batu, Off KM13, Jalan Batu Caves, 68100 Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur. FITEC is created through a research done on Malaysia’s furniture industry by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). It was financed and established with the expertise of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Malaysian government through MARA. FITEC acts as an agency that helps to develop the country’s furniture industry.
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Shear and Bending Lecture 1: Shear and Bending ( PDF ) Lecture 2: Balance ( PDF ) 2 Characteristics of Thin Walled Sections Lecture 3: Bending Without Twist ( PDF ) Lecture 4: Pure Twist Open Section ( PDF ) Lecture 5: Pure Twist CLOSED Section ( PDF ) Lecture 6: Pure and Warping Torsion ( PDF ) Lecture 7: Calculation Of Section PROPERTIES - Open ( PDF ) [This consists of four parts (and how we will treat each) (suggest printing at most pages 1-9) A - derivation of geometric algorithms for section properties (cover quickly for sense of approach) B - derivation of first moment approach (for info - not covered) C - computational routine resulting from A (demo a few examples - routine available in lab) D - computational routine resulting from B (routine available in lab)] Lecture 7a: Calculation of Section Properties Closed ( PDF ) Lecture 8: Shear Center - Closed Section ( PDF ) Includes example problem. Lecture 8a: Shear Stress Multicell Section ( PDF ) Exampl...