Peaceful Message
The history of the wars of Islam which sprang out of its wish to direct mankind to the right path if all peaceful means towards that end should prove ineffective. They were not motivated by any ambition to exploit or vanquish a people by any military commander, for they were, in a word, wars waged in the way of Allah SWT. Not only this but clear injunctions & rules were also laid down for the conduct of these wars. The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW admonishing the Muslims said, "Go in the name of Allah SWT to fight in the way of Allah SWT; kill him who rejects Allah SWT; fight but do not commit a perfidy, nor mutilate, nor kill a child." (Muslim, Abu Daud & Tirmizi). Also no man except he who carried arms against the Muslim army was to be killed. Nothing was to be destroyed or ruined, nor anybody's honour violated. No mischief or evil was to be encouraged, for "Surely Allah SWT does not love the mischief-makers." History bears witness that the Muslims upheld...