
Showing posts from August, 2016
Sufism & Ethics ( al-ta ṣ uwaf wal akhlaq ) by Imam al-Ghazali :    1 Mizan al- ʿ amal , (Criterion of Action) [M:21; A:21] 2 I ḥ ya ʾ   ʿ ulum al-din  (Revival of Islamic Knowledge) – [M:28; A:28; GAL, I, 422, S., I, 748]  See Ihya ʾ  entry below for more information . 3 al-Imala ʾ   ʿ ala Ishkalat al-I ḥ ya ʾ  (Notes on  I ḥ ya ʾ s Questionables) [M:61] 4 Bidayat al-hidayah  (Beginning of Guidance). [M:35; A:35] 5 al- ʾ Ara ʿ bin fi i ṣ ul al-din  (the Forty fundamentals of religion) [M:38, 95; A:38; GAL, I, 421, no 1 & S., I, 746] 6 Kimiya-ye sa ʿ adah  (Alchemy of Happiness) [M:45; A:45] – Persian 7 Ayah al-wald al-mu ḥ ib  (O’ Beloved Son) [M:46; A:46; GAL, I, 423; K:6010] – Persian 8 Na ṣ i ḥ at al-muluk  (Counseling Kings). [M:47; A:47; GAL, I, 423 no 30 & S., I, 750] – Persian 9 Zad akhart  (Provision for the hereafter) [M:48] – Persian 10 al-Munqidh min al- ḍ alal  (Rescuer fr...
Ibn Qudāma wrote this centuries ago, but it is relevant today as it was then: "You will notice a person delving into subsidiary issues passionately until he unravels things that are insignificant (not needed in a person’s faith or life). But, if someone asks him about sincerity and showing off, both of which are obligatory, he will have no response! Thus, in his negligence lies his destruction. He will have lots of information about things that are not obligatory on him, but no thoughts on avoiding disputes because the are destructive to the heart. And they are mandatory for everyone!"
{Semua yang ada di langit dan di bumi selalu meminta pada-Nya. Setiap waktu Dia dalam kesibukan.} (QS. Ar-Rahman: 29) Ketika laut bergemuruh, ombak menggunung, dan angin bertiup kencang menerjang, semua penumpang kapal akan panik dan menyeru: “Ya Allah!” Ketika seseorang tersesat di tengah gurun pasir, kendaraan menyimpang jauh dari jalurnya, dan para kafilah bingung menentukan arah perjalanannya, mereka akan menyeru: “Ya Allah!” Ketika musibah menimpa, bencana melanda, dan tragedi terjadi, mereka yang tertimpa akan selalu berseru: “Ya Allah!” Ketika pintu-pintu permintaan telah tertutup, dan tabir-tabir permohonan dipan terputus, dan semua jalan pintas membuntu, mereka pun menyeru: “Ya Allah!” Ketika bumi terasa menyempit dikarenakan himpitan persoalan hidup, dan jiwa serasa tertekan oleh beban berat kehidupan yang harus Anda pikul, menyerulah:”Ya Allah!” Kuingat Engkau saat alam begitu gelap gulita, dan wajah zaman berlumuran debu hitam Kusebut nama-...
Seeing Kabah in Dream - Islamic Interpretation   We visit different places while we sleep. In this journey  we see different kinds of dreams  and different things happening to us. Many times we visit utopia in our dreams. We visit many holy places in our dreams too. We see kabah in our dream. There can be different interpretations regarding kabah dreams. • When a person sees kabah in dream it symbolizes that he will receive the happiness and sorrow will be finished.  • When a person sees in dream that he is offering prayer inside the kabah it symbolizes that he will enjoy guardianship of someone in authority and he will be save from enemies.  • When a person sees in dream that he is entering inside the kabah it means that he will face a ruler.  • When a person sees in dream that he is taking something inside the kabah it symbolizes that he will get something from the ruler.  • When a person sees in dream that the wall of the ka...
Imam Ghazali's Magnum Opus Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din  (Revival of Religious Sciences)  Nota bene: This page is no longer being updated please see the following page ( ihya ) for all my current updates regarding this important book.  The Revival of the Religions Sciences (Ihya Ulum al-Din)  is widely regarded as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality, and has, for centuries, been the most read work after the Qur’an in the Muslim world. The Revival of the Religious Sciences  is divided into  four parts each containing ten chapters . The  first part  deals with knowledge and the requirements of faith—ritual purity, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, recitation of the Qur’an, etc.;  part two  concentrates mostly on people and society—the manners relating to eating, marriage, earning a living, friendship, etc.;  parts three  and  four  are dedicated to the inner life of the soul and discuss first the vices that peop...
Women fined for wearing 'burkinis' on French beach A woman wears a 'burkini' swimsuit in Marseille, France  Credit: Reuters At least ten Muslim women have been stopped by police and four fined for wearing 'burkini' swimsuits in a French resort town. The Conservative mayor of Cannes  introduced a temporary ban  on the cover-ups last month on the grounds that they violated national laws on secularism and posed a security risk. A town hall spokeswoman said that since then ten women had been stopped by police, with six agreeing to leave the beach and the other four fined 38 euros each. France has outlawed women from covering their face in public - though this would not extend to the burkini which normally covers the hair but not the face. Bans on the full-body beachwear have been introduced by several French towns this summer in a move that has sparked fierce national debate. Police cannot oblige women to leave the beaches for wearing a burkini, an...
Sayyid Qutb: Memperingati maestro jihad abad moden SAYYID Qutb adalah nama besar yang menggugah nurani kita apabila berbicara tentang Ikhwanul Muslimin selain Hassan al-Banna dan tokoh-tokoh yang lain seperti Abdul Qadir Audah, Said Hawwa, Dr Mustapha as-Sibaie, Abdul Aziz al-Badri, Hassan Ismail Hudhaibi dan yang lainnya. Sayyid Qutb mempunyai sejarah yang tersendiri sebagai tokoh ideologue Ikhwanul Muslimin serta diklasifikasikan sebagai tokoh pemikir yang sukar digalang ganti oleh dunia islam. Sayyid Qutb telah dilahirkan pada tahun 1906 di Asyut, Mesir dalam lingkungan yang taat beragama, keluarbiasaan bakatnya dapat dikesan semenjak umurnya masih hijau. Menghafal al-Quran dan menamatkan hafazan semasa berusia sepuluh tahun, bapanya Qutb Ibrahim merupakan pencinta al-Quran dan sangat tegas dalam urusan mendidik anak-anaknya dengan sakhsiah Islam, beliau memberikan perhatian langsung kepada pembelajaran anak-anak terutama Sayyid Qutb. Keberkesanan sang ayah kep...
Suatu hari, Imam Al Ghozali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya. Lalu Imam Al Ghozali mengajukan 6 pertanyaan. Pertama,”Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini?”. Murid-muridnya ada yang menjawab orang tua, guru, teman,dan kerabatnya. Imam Ghozali menjelaskan semua jawaban itu benar. tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah “MATI”. Sebab itu sudah janji Allah SWT bahwa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati. (Ali Imran 185) Pertanyaan kedua “Apa yang paling jauh dari diri kita di dunia ini?”. Murid -muridnya ada yang menjawab negara Cina, bulan, matahari, dan bintang-bintang. Lalu Imam Ghozali menjelaskan bahwa semua jawaban yang mereka berikan adalah benar. Tapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU. Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kendaraan kita, tetap kita tidak bisa kembali ke masa lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama. Pertanyaan yang ke tiga. “Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?”...
You have subsequently won the 2016 AirAsia Special Exclusive Bonus in the first group selections Program. Regarding the above notice, we have officially approved the payment of a sum of $ 250,000,00 USD (Four Hundred And Fifthy Thousand United State Dollars) only for you and your family as a BONUS/GIFT as the Certified winner of AirAsia Special Exclusive Bonus selection programe, Our Organizing Committee of the 2016 AirAsia Special Exclusive Bonus Program (LOC) will immediately initiate Instant Transfer/Wire Funds of your $ 250,000,00 USD (Four Hundred And Fifthy Thousand United State Dollars) as soon as you have contacted them. Therefore, you are advised to contact the 2016 AirAsia Special Exclusive Bonus Redemtion Desk below Organizing Committee of AirAsia Program(LOC) immediately as described below: ============================== ====== Contact Person: Micheal Lee Shipping Officer in Charge Organizing Committee AirAsia LOC) Email: ===========================...
1. For the large-diameter deeply submerged pipe tested, the wave-induced horizontal loads were predominantly inertial, and the values of C1 remained fairly constant in spite of the different sea states tested. The mean values of C1 obtained were somewhat smaller than the values predicted by potential-flow theory for the same bottom clearance and under the assumption of uniform unsteady flow. 2. In cases where current-induced velocities were considerably larger than wave-induced velocities, drag forces became important. In those cases, values of inertia coefficients were up to 20 percent smaller than those found for waves only. 3. In the inertia-dominated regime, the use of a frequency-domain analysis has proven to predict very well the distribution of peak horizontal forces. In the same way, the mean-square method has proven to predict well the distribution of combined peak horizontal wave and current forces. 4. Mean values of drag and inertia coefficients obtained from the wave-by-...
Here's 13 things very successful person don't do.... 1. Do not  JUDGE  a person, everything happen for a reason. A single event doesn't show if a person is good or bad. In short, mind your own business, live your best live =) 2.Do not  CRITICIZE  others, you may not know what he or she is going through in life.   3.Do not  GOSSIP  about other people's families, it had nothing to do with you. watch Gordon Ramsey's Hell Kitchen instead, it's more entertaining =) 4.Do not  CONDEMN  others even if you feel they're completely retarded, because it doesn't mean you're smarter than them. 5.Do not  LOOK DOWN  upon others, even if you really hate that person.  6.Do not spend  INDISCRIMINATELY , because  tomorrow  you may be unemployed. 7.Do not be  COCKY , because  tomorrow  you may lose power. 8.Do not be too  ASSERTIVE , to understand that no one will stay weak forever, they might outrun you some...