Masjid in Islam

Masjid in Islam

Arabic word masjid means “place of worship,” is from Arabic verb sajada means “bow down.” These are primarily the “houses which Allah has permitted to be raised to honor, for the celebration in them, of his name: in them is He glorified in the morning and the evening” (Al Quran, 24: 36). In Madinah, Prophet (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) purchased a piece of land and a masjid was built upon it. It was the place where in the holy companions used to offer the first-time prayers under the stewardship of the holy Prophet (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) besides settling other issues, where he (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) delivered his addresses, which contained not only appeals for obedience to Allah but also regulations affecting the religious, moral and social life of the community, from where he controlled the religious and political community of Islam. Like the Dar-an-Nadwa which once served as the place for taking all important decisions by the Quraish of Makkah, in the Prophets masjid all matters crucial to the religious and social life of the Muslims were discussed and justice was administered. The holy Prophet (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) established here an educational institute known as ‘suffa’ for the teaching and training of his companions.

Masjids occupy a significant position in Islam since the period of the Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). It is an indicator which shows that the area is populated by Muslims. It is evident that the number of masjids continued to grow with the spread of Muslims in different parts of the globe. That is why it is termed as a sh’r (culture) in Islam. A masjid is a nucleus round which the life of a Muslim rotates. For Allah, the best part of the earth is that piece of land on which a masjid is built. People who love Allah are identified by their love for the masjid. On the dreadful day of resurrection, when there will not be any shade (to escape from scorching heat) such people shall be afforded protection by Allah under the cover of the throne. (Bukhari, vol.1, chapter Adhan, Hadith No.629) Alas! We all are ignorant regarding this precious institute of masjid. Its economical as well as social and moral sides have been wasted. Its important role has been ignored by the Muslims.

The masjids today dotting the entire Muslim world, can still serve the same purpose and become the nerve centre of the community life of the believers, they can also restore the unity of the Ummah by transcending all barriers of race, colour, nationality and language. They already have that what others are trying to find out. They do not have to explore the venues and resources for their schemes of up-liftment. They have only to pay attention to the wealth that is theirs and put it to the best use. We have countless masjids spread all over the vast lands in Asia, Africa and some other parts of the Europe but almost all are in the wrong hands. Had this institute been in right hands Muslims would have made this world paradise? Not only human life but also animal world would have got peace and tranquility.

Oh brothers and sisters! You judge yourself by what you feel capable of doing, while others judge you by what you have already done. You have immense wealth in your possession but you have not used it properly. Please wakeup! and take a rigid stand only on truly important issues. Each of us has given time. To realize the value of years, ask a person who is in his last moments of life. To realize the value of months, ask a mother who has given birth to a dead baby. We can, if we think we can! Accept the past, do not brood over it. It is in our hands. Start offering salath(nimaz) five times a day. Spend your wealth properly. Don’t delay that may not only be dangerous but even disastrous. You have built masjids almost at every few miles. But Alas! You are not in a position to study Islam. You have bases, you have institutions then what is wrong with you.

The masjid is indeed an order or chain of nerve canters of Muslim society, founded by the holy Prophet (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). Thus a model was already set up in the first Masjid at Madinah for all the various functions which have to be performed by us on the premises of these Masjids. What is needed now is to take up the works which were done in the first Masjid and that will open before you a new dimension of your role as a Muslim human being in this universe. It is our grave responsibility to take stock of the prevailing situations, discover our past and plan to change with an eye on the future. Once we do it, Allah will come to our rescue. “Allah will not change the fate of a people unless they change what is in themselves” (Al Quran, 13:10)


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