(1) PLAN: Start the week with a plan, if you have not already done so. Categorize and list down the key tasks that you want to accomplish for the week; remember to include family, friends, and other “non-work” activities as well, because life is more than “work”. For each key task, block the time during the week to do so and complete it. For example, there is an important “Project Report to Senior Manager” that you need to deliver to justify for extra funding of your project, you block your best time from 9:30 am to noon Wednesday morning to do so. Do this planning exercise before the start of the week, for example, during Sunday night where you have some quiet time for yourself. (2) DO IT: A good plan will be useless if nobody execute it. Remember you have blocked the Wednesday morning to complete the special report above? Please make sure you execute on it. There may be some “distractions” that prevent you to do so, for example, there is a “last- minute engineering meeting” and ask you to participate 10 am that Wednesday. What should you do? (3) DEFEND IT: Your time belongs to you, you can use it wisely or let others take it away! It is common that we need to continue to prioritize our tasks as the week progresses. You need to find ways to DEFEND your plan from distractions. Since there is no agenda on the above “last-minute engineering meeting”, you call the organizer to understand more and manage to excuse yourself from the meeting, so that you can focus on your important “Project Report” that morning. What are your top distractions? “Last-minute meeting”, “interruptions from visitors” or “interruptions from your smart phone”? It is important to identify and develop strategies to overcome them, before they overcome you! Try the above for a month, and you will notice that you can get more done each week!


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