Recipe for Kuzi: Ingredients – 700 g lamb/mutton/beef (cut into biteful pieces) & 1.2 – 1.5 kg chicken cut into pieces. 1 tomato cut into cubes. 1 big onion cut into cubes (potong dadu). 1 plant coriander leaves (daun ketumbar). ½ tin evaporated milk & 2 tbsps of ghee (minyak sapi). 1 packet of kuzi paste. Method: 1. Fry paste with ghee until oil surfaces (pecah minyak). 2. Add the meat / chicken pieces, tomato, onion & evaporated milk (susu cair). Cook until meat or chicken are tender (empuk). Add coriander leaves just before you switch off the fire (stove). Note: For mutton & lamb marinade (rendam) with 2 inches grounded ginger (halia) for 2 hrs.


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